Posts in category sysadmin - page 4

01 Jan 2022

2021 Retrospective

Reviews Dev DIY SysAdmin Retrospective

Another year, another retrospective. This is a brief summary of interesting things that happened in 2021. Written mostly as archive content for myself. Includes broken bones and questionable wood working.

19 May 2021

Synology NAS and Let's Encrypt (again)

Dev Synology Sysadmin Let's Encrypt

I have an old article (Jan 2019) about how I managed to get a Let's Encrypt SSL certificate on my Synology NAS. It's a hack built on a hack (liberal use of `chattr +i` for example!), but it has mostly worked fine for the last couple of years. However, when the cert recently came up for renewal it failed. Instead of fixing, a quick Google search shows there are much better options available now via

24 Dec 2020

A 2020 Retrospective

Reviews Dev SysAdmin Retrospective

This is a look back over the last year mostly focussing on software dev and related bits that I think readers of this blog might find interesting. COVID mentions are kept to a minimum.

26 Jul 2020

iTunes Playlist to MP3 CD

Dev SysAdmin

Using some hacked together script to find a way to go from an iTunes playlist to an MP3 CD. All part of getting some more life out of an old car head unit.

06 Jun 2020

Plain Journald Output

Dev SysAdmin

How do you get the original logging text from journald without the extra date, time and process information prefixed?

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