Posts in category dev - page 13

05 Sep 2017

Remove Unused CSS Rules


A monolithic style sheet is difficult to reason about, which is challenging as CSS files tend to attract bloat. Removing unused styles can help make the situation more manageable.

20 Jul 2017

Template Toolkit – FOREACH Directive

Dev Perl

I have recently been working on a project where the majority of the front end is rendered via Template Toolkit (TT), a popular templating engine for Perl (and for Python). This article looks at the `FOREACH` directive and a couple of common markup patterns.

08 May 2017

Using lighten() and darken() in SASS


Until recently I didn’t know about the lighten() and darken() functions in SASS. I’ve since found them to be increasingly useful in my component building workflow. As the names suggest, given a colour and percentage, these functions will return a colour lighter or darker respectively.

23 Jan 2017

Aligning Text in Vim

Dev SysAdmin Vim

Did you know you can center align text in vim? From a visual selection, run :center. This aligns the text on the assumption that the width of the document is textwidth, or 80 characters by default. You can also manually set the range by running :center N, where N is the total width of the line.

25 Nov 2016

Client Friendly Images On WordPress

Dev WordPress

This post introduces some considerations and techniques for handling images within WordPress. This is particularly useful if you are building a website that will be handed over to a client who will then maintain the content with no further involvement from you, the developer.

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