Regular readers of this blog will no doubt have noticed my recent obsession with migrating websites away from servers I have to maintain onto servers where I do not. This week's task was to move a PHP site to static hosting with minimal effort.
If there is one thing more annoying than automatically being opted in to receive a newsletter, it's not knowing that you've opted in.
I moved a couple of micro websites off my own server and instead started hosting them with Github Pages. Since then another option has presented itself in the form of Netlify. This post is a quick look at Netlify's offering compared to Github Pages and the reasons I'm quickly becoming a fan.
It's that time of year where lots of blog authors are publishing their 2017 year-in-review style posts. I enjoy those and had a loose idea to do one myself. Instead, I got distracted trying to tidy up several years worth of confusion on an old VPS instance.
I'm not sure many people think about how their websites look when printed. It's worth doing, not just for the print side of things but also PDF generation [and others?]