Posts in category dev - page 11

17 Jul 2018

sngrep: Capture and Analyse SIP Packets on the Command Line


Part of my day job involves picking apart SIP packets and figuring out why things might not be happening as expected. I've only recently tried out `sngrep` as a tool to help with this and it's ace.

30 Jun 2018

From Vim to Visual Studio

Dev Vim Visual Studio

Whilst a big vim fan, part of my day job at Qunifi involves heavy use of the Microsoft Azure tech stack, and using Visual Studio makes that a whole lot easier. Here are the plugins and tweaks I'm currently using to ease the Vim to Visual Studio transition.

09 Apr 2018

Notes on Good API Design


How To Design A Good API and Why it Matters is a great talk that Joshua Bloch gave at Google. It's actually over 10 years old now but still very relevant. I recently rewatched it and this post contains the summary notes I made.

02 Mar 2018

Proxy Specific Sites with PAC Files

Dev SysAdmin

Proxy auto-config files, or PAC files, are a neat way to programmatically decide whether to send requests for a website via a proxy or direct. This post is a brief introduction on how to write and install such a file.

15 Feb 2018

When does running git clone give a dirty working directory?

Dev Git SysAdmin

I started working on a new programming task and needed to make an edit to some code in one of our main repos. This was the first time I'd used the repo on this machine. This is also where things started to get strange...

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