Posts in category dev - page 8

19 May 2021

Synology NAS and Let's Encrypt (again)

Dev Synology Sysadmin Let's Encrypt

I have an old article (Jan 2019) about how I managed to get a Let's Encrypt SSL certificate on my Synology NAS. It's a hack built on a hack (liberal use of `chattr +i` for example!), but it has mostly worked fine for the last couple of years. However, when the cert recently came up for renewal it failed. Instead of fixing, a quick Google search shows there are much better options available now via

06 Apr 2021

Fixing Gmail Image Width

Dev Gmail

Gmail is showing images within the body of an email that are full size, instead of limiting to the width of the browser window. Really large images shown in original size just gives a poor viewing experience, plus reading the text is hassle with lots of scrolling. I'm not sure if this is Gmail's fault, or whether it's just faithfully rendering the HTML sent, but either way, it's time to fix!

28 Feb 2021

Homemade Car Tracker

Dev Archive

Spring is nearly here so naturally I found a homemade car tracker after sorting out some long-forgotten boxes.

24 Jan 2021

Build A Website In Under 10 Years

Dev Jekyll Travel

I've been trying to build a mini travel blog website since 2011 to document a road trip around Europe. This post looks a little at why it took me the best part of 10 years to get it finished.

24 Dec 2020

A 2020 Retrospective

Reviews Dev SysAdmin Retrospective

This is a look back over the last year mostly focussing on software dev and related bits that I think readers of this blog might find interesting. COVID mentions are kept to a minimum.

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